Monday, March 1, 2010

So kiss me and smile for me ...

I am about to do an extraordinary thing. I am going away for a few days to work on my revisions. If you are a mother of a brood as I am, you know, this is a miracle. Now, let it be said, one child is going on a school trip, which given our family dynamic, makes my leaving a possibility. Between my husband and our wonderful Saint (I mean sitter) they should be fine. Feel free to drop off casseroles or wipe their faces should you see them in the school yard (or on the street ...)
Here is my prediction:
1. They will be on time for school and the truth will be revealed. I suck at getting anywhere on time.
2. All bedtimes will be at least 1.5 hours later.
3. Someone will forget to brush her teeth.
4. Someone will lose a beloved possession.
5. Someone will fall asleep on the couch while webkinz mans the fort.
6. Someone will blow off his homework and do whatever it is he does on facebook.

In order to write this essential post, I instructed a family member to check the food in the oven once the buzzer goes off. If it's hot, I said slowly, remove it. If it's not, cook it some more and reset the timer. I am not lying when I say, the buzzer went off and that someone yelled to a family member, go ask her what we're supposed to do when the buzzer goes off. I yelled up to them, if it's hot, remove it. The reply, you wonder? HOW DO I KNOW IF IT's HOT?
And there you have it.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed. Out Loud. Because I could literally picture every single part of this post. :)
